Saturday, April 19, 2008

Swinging against the left side

Alright... Alright... I should have bought an impact bag a loooooooooooonnnnnnnnng time ago.. Jeez, I don't think I ever understood what it meant to swing into the left side before. Yesterday, I was working on 2 things at the driving range when I got a strange sensation (for me, at least), I felt what it was like to "release" the club.. I was working on feeling like my right hand was pressing against my left thumb on the take away (to help "width" of the backswing) and I was working on shortening my backswing with the sensation that my club was dropping as a first move.. I accidentally started to swing into my left side and the ball started making a different sound at impact - a powerful "thud" and it felt like my club was going to fly out of my hands.. WOW.. I need to go back to the range a few times before I can fully process it ... I will keep you POSTED..

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