Tuesday, September 16, 2008

HIllary to McCain, really?


What would you think about someone who says to you: "I am really interested in buying a roomy, fuel efficient car." Then this friend proceeds to tell you a story of how they went to the Toyota dealer to see the Camry Hybrid. However, when they got there, the dealer said that the Camry Hybrid is on back-order for 6 months. They didn't know what else to do so they bought this HUMMER!"

Naturally, you would look at your friend/acquaintance like he/she was crazy!!! You would challenge them on their commitment to getting a roomy, fuel efficient car, wouldn't you? (well, maybe you wouldn't question the "roomy" part).. You might even ask, why didn't you go over to the Honda dealership?

This is how I feel when I hear about people who say that they were HUGE Hillary Clinton supporters and now support McHummer.. oops, I mean, McCain. I am forced to ask "REALLY?" Hillary and Obama are so closely aligned on so many of the issues that I can't imagine how you can make the philosophical/political leap from her to McCain??? Affinity! Well, if that is the case then it is racial affinity because Palin was not on the ticket when most of these folks made the leap. And, come on, Palin is going to sway your vote because she is a woman?! She is more anti-woman than any man I know.. Shit, she is to women what Clarence Thomas is to African Americans. And, while I am thrilled and excited about Obama's candidacy, I would never vote blindly for an African American. Imagine if Bigger-oops, I mean Clarence was on the Republican ticket running against Hillary and whoever?! I WOULD NEVER vote for that clown!

Come on, y'all, if you made the "leap" from Hillary to McCain, please pull out your mirrors and take a long look in it and try to search your soul... I am not calling you a racist.. I'll let you figure that out for yourself!!

Damn, I said I wasn't going to talk politics on this blog.. Oh well, first and last time.. I promise..

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ready, set, go....


Ok.. I can't pretend I am going to die in 1 year - I just can't! I am too afraid to put that kind of thought/energy/vibe out there in the universe (maybe it'll be heard too literally and I have too much to live for....). I know... I know... I KNOW.. it is silly. Hey, I didn't know that about myself but it is what it is.. So, I am going to take a little twist on this theme- I am going to act as if I am only going to be here in America/working for the next year and then I am gone - checked out, moved on - living the island life never to be heard from again... LOST BABY LOST..

I have given this thing a lot of thought over this past weekend. Well, as much thought as "I" can give something (consciously)... My wife has been tremendously helpful.. There are a couple of things I know that I want to do (have wanted to do for quite some time). Here is the preliminary list:

1) Start a school

2) Write Book for African American boys

3) Get my children's book illustrated and published

4) Golf project

5) Take immaculate care of myself

6) learn an instrument (guitar)

7) Shoot even par..


The funny thing is that imposing this kind of urgency on myself and my life makes me realize how deeply my disregard for the passage of time runs inside of me.. Also, it has caused me to look in the mirror and face the fact that I don't take myself seriously enough (always the clown). It is OK to have an ego and a little pride!! ( not the same as ego-centric and prideful). Hmmm. Note, that these goals have to do with ME and me alone (I feel pretty good and comfortable with the other "stuff" - fatherhood, being a husband, friend, son, brother, uncle, etc. ) - I will keep working on that important stuff since, ultimately, that is what I care most about and I feel like that is what I will be judged upon. However, folks in my life have challenged me to do things for myself for once..
So it begins quietly....

Friday, September 12, 2008

What would you do if you only had 1 year left to live?


I don't know if you find this question as interesting as I do... I guess, for some, it might drum up the same feelings as the question: "how would you live if you had no fear?" For others, it might not be interesting at all because it would simply be a recipe to spend every dime, cheat on their spouse, run with the bulls, climb a mountain, etc.

No matter, someone posed that question to me earlier today and after I got past the morbid aspects of this question and the fear of "putting the thought out in the universe," I thought about what it would mean and what an interesting exercise this might be. Would this push me to have a sense of urgency about some of my dreams? Would this push me to have a sense of urgency about my relationships? Would this make me say and do things I would not do or say if I believe I have a lifetime to take care of business? Would this sense of urgency cause my tolerance for BS to dwindle to 0? Would I try to take immaculate care of myself? Would I try to make up for last time and would I become much more conscious of the passage of time?

OR.... would I just let time pass as it has- taking each moment as it comes without connecting one moment to the next?

I think I want to engage in this exercise and I'd like to document the experience here.. It is late and I am tired. However, tonight, I am going to think about the "ground rules" for this exercise and I am going to begin tommorow, 9/13/08.

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